If you are a multi-sport official who favors one sport over another, you may be considering dropping your least-favorite sport. Before taking that step, you owe it to yourself to examine your feelings and make sure you’re not acting hastily. If you drop a sport from your repertoire only to have a change of heart later, it’s sometimes difficult to return to the level you were working when you “retired.”

Perhaps the answer is as simple as taking fewer games. Let your assigner know you’re scaling back your schedule. One fewer game a week can sometimes make a huge difference in your attitude.

Working sub-varsity games instead of varsity contests or recreational games rather than competitive games may help. Sometimes the exuberance of youngsters playing games for the pure joy of playing rubs off on the officials. Working those games also may provide an opportunity for you to officiate with a less-experienced official who may benefit from working with a veteran.

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Those are good reasons to stay involved. What factors might lead you to drop a sport or two?

If officiating causes you to miss too much time at work, your employer may force you to make a choice: your job or officiating. Since few non-professional officials can make a living as an official, you might be best served to give up your least-favorite sport.

Whichever way you turn, don’t base the decision purely on emotion. One bad game isn’t the same as consistent unhappiness. Take your time and make a thoughtful decision that you’ll feel good about long after you’ve worked your last game.

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Baseball 2024 – S&I

Note: This article is archival in nature. Rules, interpretations, mechanics, philosophies and other information may or may not be correct for the current year.

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