Art Of Officiating

Covering conflict management, the psychology of officiating, best practices and officiating/life balance.

Art Of Officiating

Art Of Officiating
Covering conflict management, the psychology of officiating, best practices and officiating/life balance.

Sell the Tough Call

What do a ninth-inning call at home plate, a crucial roughing penalty late in the fourth quarter or a block/charge call all have in...

Deconstruct the Conflict 

No two ways about it, the nature of competitive sports is one of conflict. Conflict between two opponents sets the stage for points, goals, baskets or runs scored....

Maintain the Rhythm of the Game

A game is a kind of dance, with its own unique rhythm. Not completely, but they have similar elements. One team is on offense...

Right Way to Turn Back a Game

In most aspects of life, there is a right way and a wrong way. Such is the case when you turn back a game. Knowing the difference...

Automatic Eject Button

Skim the rulebook for any high school or college sport under the section of automatic ejections and the word “flagrant” is likely to appear. For...

Don’t Try To Win The Argument

As an official, when you are involved in a conflict, your goal is to resolve it. You have to fight the tendency to want to win the...

Your Officiating Style Should Embrace Personal Growth

It's been one of those games. Every stop in play, someone from each team is complaining, and that doesn’t even include the coaches, who...

Eight Ways To Avoid Negative Attention

The pages of Referee often feature the do’s for landing the next big game and breaking into the next level. But equally important to...

Don’t Go Looking for Fouls

The trouble with learning to officiate is that almost the entire focus is on recognizing fouls and calling them. Therefore, beginners not only concentrate...

Ed Hochuli On Balance

It takes extraordinary strength to take charge of a Super Bowl – strength of will, of desire and of conviction. Ed Hochuli has done...

20 Inspiring Books For Sports Officials

If you had inside access to the bookshelves of college and professional officials and officiating leaders, what books would you find? Sure, rulebooks are...

Have No Officiating Regrets

Sometimes you can do everything in your power to get a call right and still blow it. That’s a tough regret to live with,...

When Your Partner’s Out of It Mentally

You show up at the game site. You’re pumped. You meet your partner. Something’s wrong. He or she is distracted, upset, not engaged. You can see right away...

Keep Communication Lines Open with Players

While officials have a fair amount of contact with coaches during a game, they are most often communicating with players. Here are some suggestions...

What the Best Instructors Do Right

Whether we've been officiating for some time, figure ourselves to be seasoned vets or we simply have three more games under our belts than...

5 Post-game Discussion Strategies

It’s been a long day. There was the travel to the event, the pregame meeting, a long grueling contest, some testy coaches, an opinionated...

Ultimate Guide to Networking at Camps & Clinics

When a sports official goes to camp, it’s about whistles and rule books rather than swimming and s’mores. Referees and umpires choose to invest the time and money in camp...

How To Get A Postseason Assignment and Make The Most Of It

How do you get a postseason assignment? What skills are important when doing those big games? How do you stay at the top when...

Take the ‘I’ Out of ‘Quit’

It’s not always easy to be an official. That’s not anything you don’t already know. Sports officials are the targets of media, fans and...

Defeat Negative Attitudes. Enjoy Your Games.

Situational negativity occurs when a specific recent incident causes one official to adopt a negative attitude toward another official. Imagine a football crew in...

Sometimes There Is No Right or Wrong Call

If you put 30 sports officials in a room, regardless of the sport, and watch a tight play on video, what happens during the...

Why We Officiate

1. Camaraderie The fellowship and humor officials share with one another are incomparable. 2. Boos There’s nothing like fans booing when you have the silent satisfaction of...

Attitude Adjustments That Improve Performance

There are a lot of things I know now that I wish I had known when I started officiating. One area that I needed attitude adjustments...

Someone is Always Watching

When you sign up to be an official, you should understand there is a higher standard of behavior for your actions on the field...