

Addressing Aging

News bulletin: We’re all aging, and there’s nothing we can do about it. We’ll progressively become slower and less limber. Having left the football...

Reduce Stress on Fractures

Stress fractures are also known as march fractures because soldiers in boot camp performing marching drills would often get them. They are caused by...

6 Health Benefits of Officiating

Y ou may be familiar with the phrase, “You don’t officiate to get in shape. You get in shape to officiate.” Considering the speed...

Dehydration Affects Officials as much as Players

Dehydration is a dangerous side effect of officiating in hot conditions. Dehydration not only dramatically affects performance, but can lead to heat stroke, a...

The Advantages of Static Stretching

Many individuals involved in sports are familiar with what is known as static stretching. Static stretching is assuming a stationary position and holding it...

Tips to Battle Long Game Fatigue

Some games seem to take longer than they should — like Yankees vs. Red Sox games — but the sports we officiate have sensible...

Win the Athlete’s Foot Battle

Aythlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common problem, especially in athletic populations. But some officials may even be more susceptible to...