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Not-So-Secret Agent

At a referee development camp I attended, the camp director began with a single question: “Who is your agent?” After a period of silence that...

Brand New Ballgames

How will you feel when the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and the games resume? Ecstatic? Relieved? Anxious? How about prepared? We will be experiencing a new...

Pleasure Crews

"Perception is reality.” When it comes to officiating team sports, that’s often the absolute truth. It doesn’t matter what sport you’re officiating, crew cohesion...

Slay the Drag-on

One of the great debates in sports these days is how long it takes to play the games. Television has been a great boon...

Want to get better?

How good an official do you want to be? How much do you want to improve? Good officials, no matter their level of experience...

Your Chance to Shine

How do officials make it to the top of their respective sport? What characteristics are necessary to achieve that goal? For years, both as...

For Warned

Warnings come in a variety of forms. There’s “the look,” “the stop sign” and “the quiet word,” to name a few. Each can be...

Crew Glue

When any game assignment arrives, all sorts of questions usually race through an official’s mind. First, who’s playing? Great teams? A rivalry game? If...

Say When

In most sports, teams are allotted a specific number of timeouts so coaches may confer with players. Although timeouts may also be used in...

Sure Thing

Officiating is all about making decisions. That’s arguably the one and only reason they give us a paycheck. Sometimes, in the process of decision-making,...

Team Works

Most people think two teams are required for an athletic competition. Officials know better. It takes three — the teams scheduled to take the...

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