Depending on the part of the country in which you live, winter can be a cold, bleak and depressing time of year. If you don’t officiate a winter sport, you can find yourself going into hibernation, which is no good for your conditioning or your spirit.

Invest in yourself.

Hire a personal trainer for a month or two. The money you pay will motivate you to stick with the program. The right apparel is also important.

Embrace the elements.

You can’t change the weather, but you can learn to accept it. Outdoor activities such as ice skating, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing get you off the couch and keep you active. But don’t discount a good old-fashioned walk.

“I am a huge fan of going on a walk, no matter what the temperature is,” said Corin Safe, a coach whose athletes include Olympic weightlifters from Chicago. “Put on your boots and get out there. After 30 minutes, you’ll feel awesome, because walking reduces stress and promotes a little bit of meditation.”

Analyze your workout routine.

Safe also suggests taking a step back to mentally reassess your fitness goals. “What do you want to get out of it? How committed are you?” she asks. List the reasons you have for prioritizing exercise and think about everything you’ve achieved in the last year. Are you going to keep it going or take it up a notch in 2015?

Think about what lies ahead.

You devote a great deal of offseason time to officiating. Rules study, camps and film review are ways to improve your performance. Being physically ready is the last piece of the puzzle. Keep the upcoming season in mind and look forward to it. “Training with that forward-thinking mind-set can make (exercise) a little less depressing and a little more exciting,” said Ryan Ford, who owns gyms in California. “There’s no pressure now to perform.”

Tailor your workout to your officiating.

Workout facilities have a variety of machines and equipment because not everyone is trying to accomplish the same goals. “We’re all about training for useful fitness,” Ford explained. “Bicep curls or leg extensions can help you rehab a specific body part from injury or imbalance.”

Sometimes the best options are free.

If you choose not to invest in a gym membership, you can do exercises like pushups, pull-ups, squats with no weights, lunges and sit-ups in your home. All you need is your body and the ability to count.

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