Best Practices

Best Practices

The Evolution of Explanations

Sports officials and microphones have a long history. In fact, one of the earliest instances involved Major League Baseball in 1929. On Aug. 25 of...

Try Angles

There is one thing I find more important than all others in getting my calls on the field and on the court correct: the...

Seven Kinds of Hustle

Hustle is defined in different ways by different sports officials, but many will point out that the physical — get from here to there as fast as possible...

Does the Stop Signal Work Anymore?

Check out this portion of a discussion thread from a basketball referee online chat circa 2007: “Anybody ever notice how a lot of the talk...

Earn That Good Reputation

Ever try constructing a tower out of playing cards? It isn’t easily built. Once achieved, it’s something to be proud of. But one wrong...

Increase Concentration in One-Sided Games

One-sided games are no fun for anyone, except for the team that wins, of course. Generally speaking, the losing team and the officials just...

Etiquette for Video Training

Using video for training purposes is no longer the discovery of the age. Gone are the days we have to give a blank video...

Honesty, Integrity Are Keys To a Full Schedule

The ability to grow your schedule is a key component to your development. We all want more games because we associate the number of...

Elements that Determine a Successful Crew

In the sports world, a team’s success is determined by wins and losses and, to a major extent, by the number of championships it...

A.D.’s Who Officiate Give Tips On Working With Game Admin

As officials, it’s desirable to maintain quality working relationships with the athletic directors of the schools where we work. As in any working relationships...

Lightning Protocol Advances with Technology

In the not-so-distant past, the protocol for handling lightning was straightforward for officials working outdoor sporting events at the amateur levels. If lightning was...

Squeezing the Last Drop Out of Your Talent

For most of the movie “Whiplash,” music instructor Terence Fletcher curses, rails at, belittles and humiliates his students. When he encounters one of his former...

Stay Focused until Game Conclusion

At any sporting event, you’re likely to hear someone holler, “Keep your head in the game!” That heckler might not be referring to the...

Enhance Your Skills Fast With Repetition and Practice

Practice is synonymous with athletes, but practice can be as helpful to officials as it is to those playing the games. Whether it’s actually...

Get Great Series: Better by Tomorrow

If someone told you a way to get better by tomorrow, would you do it no matter what it was? How about if it...

Expect Little and You Won’t Be Disappointed

The spectrum of accommodation made for officials is vast. If you've been continually disappointed perhaps, unfortunately, your expectations were a bit high. What do...

Media Relations

Ask pro or major college officials if they have a nightmare media relations scenario, and they’re likely to reply, “Yes. Having one of my...

Get Great Series: Better by Next Week

If someone told you a they had a way to get better by next week, would you do it no matter what it was?...

Welcome to the Show

All officials have their first game at one time or another. We have heard stories of the officiating greats and how they got their...

Are You Ready to Be in the Spotlight?

Getting the big game — a state playoff contest, a showdown between traditional rivals or a game to decide a conference championship — is...

What Supervisors Teach can be What Gets Called

In the local football chapter where I started officiating years ago, it has been the practice to have separate weekly training sessions for first-year officials. The feeling is...

The Right Way to Share and Accept Criticism

W hich of the following is defined as “the art, skill or profession of making discriminating judgments”? a. Sports officiating. b. Studying texts for the purpose of...

Clinicians and Presenters Critical to a Successful Camp Experience

The best way for you to judge the effectiveness of a clinic or camp is to count the number of habits or procedures that...

Eliminate Your Own Distractions

There are many things that might disrupt an official’s concentration during a game. They might be internal or external and could happen during play...